Beginning to give away grants from the very first year of founding Tewa, the Grant Making Programme is the heart of Tewa’s work. Tewa’s grant-making programme largely supports rural, grassroots women’s groups in Nepal to uplift women’s social-economic conditions and to establish their voice and visibility in the community.  There are two grant cycles per year.  These grants empower women by supporting them and helping them to remain organized and fulfill their goals.  Tewa grants are requested as per the women’s felt needs, as resources for rural women are scarce.  Grants have supported income generating activities skill development training, physical infrastructures related to their endowment fund/s, and human resource development, environment rights and justice, legal rights, health rights, advocacy to stop violence and discrimination and women’s rights .  The annual grant-making budget has been designated for peace building initiatives too.  Up till the end of FY 2020 – 2021, 869 grants have been disbursed in 71 districts (out of 77 districts) of Nepal.

Grant Making Goals
The grant making goals, as outlined in Tewa’s Grant Making Strategy are –

  • Support initiatives aimed at transforming the lives of women especially the most vulnerable and marginalized through strengthening of their capacity.
  • Assist to help enhance decision making and leadership so as to amplify women’s voices and make their concerns visible.
  • Strengthen movement building so that there is a critical mass of women that can participate, advocate, and influence and strengthen politically.

Core Areas of Support
Tewa’s grants fall into three main categories – Aadhar Grants, Samman Grants and Discretionary Grants. To honor the women’s organization that is working towards the rights of girls/women in Nepal, Founder’s Fund grant was instituted. Thus defining four key Grant Making areas:

  • Aadhar Grant
  • Samman Grant
  • Surakshya Grant (Discretionary grant; at the time urgent and advocacy on women’s human rights issues)
  • Founder’s Fund Grant

Tewa’s values for grant making programme are based on democratic principles of:

  • Respect for each other and all involved (e.g. grantee – beneficiary groups)
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Practice and modeling local and community resource mobilization for self-reliant development.

Grants Awarded

YearNo. of Grants
2020 – 2153
2019 – 2063
2018 – 1949
2017 – 1863
2016 – 1741
2015 – 1646
2014 – 1536
2013 – 1427
2012 – 1311
2011 – 1220
2010 – 1127
2009 – 1038
2008 – 0929
YearNo. of Grants
2007 – 0839
2006 – 0730
2005 – 0621
2004 – 0523
2003 – 0434
2002 – 0315
2001 – 0218
2000 – 0131
1999 – 0032
1998 – 9923
1997 – 9824
1996 – 9708

टेवा अनुदान सम्बन्धि कागजातहरु / Tewa Grant Documents »