The Genesis
During the leadership transition process of the Founder, and on her suggestion as bank interest dropped phenomenally owing to the armed conflict in Nepal, it was agreed by the Tewa Executive Board to invest the 17.02 million rupees endowment fund in a TL&BDP (Tewa Land & Building Development Project) to be led by the Founder & the then Chair of the Board. Over 11 years, the TL&BDP grew to the extent it could by adding various infrastructures, raising money, and conducting time bound campaigns. In these ways it managed to build Upahaar – an arcade of shops on its eastern boundary, Tewa– the Tewa office building, Santoshi– the cafeteria, Rangamanch – the open-air theatre, Jamghat – the covered hall, and Aadhar – the office block.

In March 2011, recognizing that Tewa was not able to generate income from the invested endowment fund in the above infrastructures, the Founder returned and offered her services to the Board, to run a three-year long campaign called the Sampanna (fulfilling) Campaign (SC). With agreement of the Board, the ambitious campaign offered to:

  1. Raise the estimated US$ 900,000 to complete the necessary residential facilities and remaining landscaping
  2. Build the required infrastructures & landscaping, & supporting amenities
  3. Promote & manage the “Deepyogini” (Tewa Centre) as it came to be, and
  4. De-link it from Tewa – the Nepal women’s fund managerially, while always being under legal and fiscal oversight of Tewa – the Nepal women’s fund.

In March 2014, the SC fully met its goals, raising more than the targeted amount of money, completed the infrastructures it intended to complete as well as all what was required additionally. However work with creation of Deepyogini (Tewa Centre) as it was intended to be and grooming/managing its human resource and other tasks remained. The Founder continued to invest her time, skills, and energies to ground the TC philosophically and managerially until March 2016. During this time she along with the management team, defined the TC, trained the human resource, put values, policies, and systems in place, and ensured the promotion and use of the TC to make it self sufficient. Considering Nepal’s political and economic environment during these years, these were no mean achievements! After these, the Founder steps/ed into a mentoring/monitoring role where she provided her oversight and necessary support for the following 2 years, to ensure the institutional grounding of Deepyogini (Tewa Centre).

The Tewa Founder conceptualized and helped materialize the TC along with the Sampanna Campaign and provided guidance in grounding it in the way it is now intended to be. She withdrew from the Tewa Board and the membership to do this work over 5 full years (April 2011 – March 2016).

The Sampanna Campaign (SC)
The Sampanna Campaign (April 2011 – March 2014) was led by the Tewa Land & Building Development Project (TL&BDP – since 2000) Co-coordinators, Founder Rita Thapa, and the then Chair of the Executive Board, Meera Jyoti. The SC was coordinated in the USA by Louise Davis (one of the campaign Nava Durgas). The SC had a goal to raise US$ 900,000; complete remaining infrastructures & landscaping; delink Deepyogini (Tewa Centre) from Tewa the Nepal women’s fund – while still under the legal & fiscal oversight of Tewa; promote the TC modeling self-reliance, organic and naturally harmonious way of life, and an ethically grounded Centre; still managing the multi aspects of a residential facility. Supported by the entire Tewa Team, the campaign was further held together by the “Nava Durgas” – 7 in the global North, and 2 in Nepal.

During the campaign period, US$ 996,062.55 was raised, out of which US$ 113,142.62 was gifted by Nepali donors alone. During this period 100+ grantee groups, also became donors to the SC. Furthermore, almost all of the staff & members of Tewa became SC donors. The remaining money was gifted by individual activist donors, funds and foundations, in the global North and organizations globally.

Two major buildings, the Aanandi & Aanandi 2 were completed within 1 year each from start to finish. Furthermore, the 2 kitchen annexes, along with all other remaining infrastructures, the grotto, and Goddess Saraswoti shrine, the rebuilding of the front parking lot and the other remaining landscaping were also completed.

This was only possible owing to the cooperation and support of the AM Construction Company, the dedication and hard work of the skilled workers and labourers, led by the site supervisor Lahasim Prem Maharjan & sub contractor Deepak (Sainla) Tamang. Deepyogini (Tewa Centre) owes this space to each one of them!

Tewa, honours each one of those workers, the campaign Nava Durgas, grantee donors, donors – both Nepalis and international, Nepali and international organizations/funds, Tewa volunteers, members and staff of Tewa, and importantly, the SC leaders and their team, without whose support and trust, the Tewa Centre could not be possible today.

The SC Monument
A hand sculpted stone monument spanning 54 feet in length and 14 feet in height sits on the retaining wall in front of Aanandi 2. It magnificently documents the Sampanna Campaign, all its donors, and some fine traditional Nepali stone carving skills.

Note: The SC Monthly Updates are available for your resource & Interest.

25 April 2015 Earthquake
Deepyogini (Tewa Centre) was lucky not to suffer any structural damage. But the Aadhar building needed to pull down its walls on the 3 floors starting from the ground. Aadhar was once more in full operation and service from the middle of September 2015.

Intended Purpose of Deepyogini (Tewa Centre)
Investing the Tewa endowment, the TC is created to generate all the necessary resources to fully enable the self-reliance of Tewa – the Nepal women’s fund. But in enabling the TC to materialize, the following additional benefits can be listed:

  • Demonstrate an organic, humane, and a mindful way of life with nature, the ecology, and the earth.
  • Practice a sustaining and caring way of life in consumption, being, and practice.
  • Provide a respite and a recess for all those who may be seeking or those who wish, as well as for Tewa and Nagarik Aawaz (which is located within Deepyogini) and their national, regional, and international networks.

Philosophy & Value of Deepyogini (Tewa Centre)
The philosophy and values of Deepyogini (Tewa Centre) is aligned with Tewa – the Nepal women’s fund. As such, transparency, accountability, respect, diversity, frugality, are its ongoing practice. However as a purely service delivery center it is intended to infuse love, gifting, and caring into its practice. It is intended to generate income, but not simply for “profit”. Its profit needs to ensure dignity, self- sufficiency, abundance, sharing and gifting, and ongoing self-reliance for all who are engaged in this process.

Why Do You Need to Visit/Stay at Deepyogini (Tewa Centre)
In order to ensure that you have a most memorable and a very special stay in Kathmandu we invite you to stay at Deepyogini (Tewa Centre) for the following reasons:

  • It totally models women’s vision, leadership, and work over 20 years
  • as a not for profit organization registered with the Nepal government, all generated income is used to run the TC/Tewa & its work for Nepali women
  • it offers a environmentally grounded way of life and ambiance, and
  • every penny generated goes into empowering the Nepali women throughout Nepal, and sustaining their work.

Please Help Share/Spread Words on Deepyogini (Tewa Centre)
We chose not to have a “marketing” policy. We would like to promote the TC through word of mouth of those who visit or experience being physically present at the TC. Please join our circle of promoters. In doing this, you are helping Nepali women and are providing service to all those who choose to stay with us in Kathmandu! Our sincere appreciations!

Deepak Dewan