Grantee Capacity Building Training and Convening


Grantee Capacity Building Training and Convening

Janakpur is one of the districts in central development region from where Tewa received several grant proposals from various grantee organizations. Tewa conducted a Grantee Capacity Building Training and Convening in Janakpur from 18th– 21st November, 2016 which was attended by 18 participants representing 9 different organizations. The main objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of women’s organizations in Janakpur on Community Philanthropy, Rights Based Approach, Feminist Leadership, Women Empowerment, and Learning, Monitoring and Evaluation process.

One of the strategic intentions of Tewa is to provide organizations with a platform for potential grantees to build networks and linkages which will further help in creating a social movement in the society and fight for women’s rights.

The workshop deeply engaged with grantee partners, through active discourse, which helped them understand the essence of modern philanthropy in terms of women’s empowerment, development and feminism.

The visit also encompassed 2 appraisal visits, 4 monitoring and evaluation visits in Janakpur through the grants made, on issues like organizational development, reproductive health, economic empowerment and violence against women .The monitoring helped in learning the ability of grantee organizations to measure the outcomes and helped Tewa improve the interventions through strategic grant making.

Participants shared that Tewa’s grant was valuable to their organization as it contributed towards strengthening the grantee groups, by engaging consistently with them through regular follow ups and capacity building.

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