Grantee Capacity Building Training


Grantee Capacity Building Training

A reflection meeting of Hamro Tewa Gaun Gharma (HTG) was held on January 10th – 12th 2017 with our ongoing recovery and rebuilding program with 21 HTG Volunteers and grantee partners. The program was facilitated by Ms. Urmila Shrestha, Ms. Ivy Thapa, Ms. Roshani Thapa and Ms. Anuja Shrestha. All together there were 21 participant representing 6 different  organization including Lipasae Mahila Samuha Gorkha, Dalit Mahila Samuha Sindupalchowk, Himal Mahila Utthan Samaj Dhading, Srijanshil Mahila Samaj Nepal Dharmastali , Sushi Samuha Jharuwarashi, Mahila Sanjel Nepal Ramechap. Resource person for the Sexual and Reproductive health rights was Ms. Hima Mishra representative from Sunaulo Parivar Nepal implementing partner of Marie Stopes International Nepal.

The volunteers and grantee partners work directly with the grassroots community for their needs and issues. The Training helped them understand preventing measures and knowledge on addressing the issues more sensibly. The meeting intended to bring more clarity on some of the growing issues on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, capacity enhance on Community Resiliency Module, National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET).

The training provided information on abortion and the process, procedures, prevention birth spacing, birth control, contraception- use and the risks. It was more focused on practical hand on knowledge with contraceptives where such practical knowledge chance was rare in the learning system.

The workshop also provided a platform to brainstorm on different issues. The second day of the workshop was focused on Community resiliency model (CRM).The training focused on survivors of the post disaster period with trauma. The skills helped individuals to control their fear and maintain balance within them and these skills could also be used in communities with people on trauma.

The training focused mainly on identifying people with distress and trauma. It also offered CRM skills to help them heal and deal their mental, emotional and physical reactions. The training was conducted with role play which helped the grantee partners to understand the skills in a more practically way which would further help them to identify people with the need.

The last session was a visit to the National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET). NSET is a community of Nepalese professionals belonging to various technical and social aspects of earthquake disaster management. NSET aims to strive to assist all communities in Nepal to become more earthquake safe by developing and implementing organized approaches to managing and minimizing earthquake risks. Participants were aware by the earthquake safety measures, approaches to manage and minimize the earthquake risks. It helped them understand the preparation such as the “GO” bag that should to include items such as Water bottle, head light, medicines, food, matchsticks, radio, batteries, jacket, shawl, knife, mask, family photo, whistle etc. It was also advised to carry bright colored bags so that people from far distance would be able to notice. Similarly NSET also provide information about the mason training on safety infrastructure development.

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