Grantee Capacity Building Workshop


Grantee Capacity Building Workshop

As part of Tewa’s goal of women empowerment, we support women’s group through Grant Making. We not only support their initiatives, but also enhance their knowledge on women issues and growing global issues that are affecting women’s position. As part of grant ++ process, grantee capacity building training is conducted each year to enhance knowledge on women’s group who do not have access and opportunity to attend the workshops.

On 18-20th December, 2017 we conducted grantee capacity building workshop for organizations from Dhading, Kathmandu, Kavre and Lalitpur. The 3-day workshop enhanced their knowledge on women empowerment; rights based approach, community philanthropy, climate change, environmental rights learning monitoring and evaluation process. 20 participants attended the workshop and learned about the causes of climate change, its affect on human beings and possible ways for adaptation to climate change were discussed in the workshop.

Similarly, this gave an opportunity for women organizations to learn about community philanthropy and local fundraising ideas that can help to support their organizations. Topics like feminism, women empowerment and rights based approach were clarified to the participants. The importance of LM&E was highlighted during the workshop for effective project planning and reporting.

Participants expressed their gratitude for providing such an opportunity where they got a chance to come out of the household chores and had some own time to learn about issue those are directly affecting women. Valuable suggestions and feedback for improving the workshop were also provided by grantees partners.

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