MaSaKa” was a campaign that was conceptualized by Founder of Tewa, Rita Thapa in 1999 (2056 BS). The term “MaSaKa” stands for Mahila ko Samjhana ra Kadar” an Honouring Women Campaign – in memory and honour of loved ones. The campaign initiated a publication for three years in honour of the mothers, sisters, daughters, daughter-in-laws, wives and friends for their countless efforts and dedication contributed by women, who have shaped, influenced and inspired us. The publications share the stories of women who have made a huge impact and have played vital roles in families and societies. Honouring in memoriam has been a tradition, but through the MaSaKa it was an honour and privilege to appreciate some of the worthy women during their lifetime.

With the donation of Rs 30,000.00 for each empathetic story and honour, it allowed Tewa to build an Endowment Fund, an innovative step taken by Tewa to promote philanthropy and enhance Tewa’s financial independence and sustainability. The entire fund raised from this honouring campaign was used for the construction of the Tewa training hall, where the names of the people being honoured are engraved. We have strived to create meaningful opportunities to honour the contribution of women and their extraordinary accomplishments.

Tewa warmly appreciates the contribution of all our donors, who have contributed immensely in this path breaking modern philanthropic work.

Three editions of the MaSaKa have been published and we hope to continue this meaningful publication of “Honouring Women” in future too.