One Billion Rising 2018


One Billion Rising 2018

The One Billion Rising gives civil societies of Nepal a platform to celebrate women’s strength and weakness through OBR celebration. Most importantly, it bounds the core work of civil societies working in the field of women empowerment and creates awareness in general public. 

Like last year, this year also we celebrated the OBR making it a huge success. Rallies from two different places – one from Lalitpur Metropolitan Office and another from Kathmandu Metropolitan Office was organized, which convened at Maitighar Mandala to attract the attention of government officials, Home Ministry office, among others which are located closely. 

The rally chanted slogans demanding equal women participation in the Provincial states; demanding more women leadership in government bodies with equal rights; gender equality and ending exploitation of women which was then followed by a group dance by young volunteers from Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj who taped along with the OBR song. 

A good coordination between 35 civil societies was made to conduct the global campaign. The huge participation of more than 500 individuals spread the message of ending exploitation against women and putting efforts in ending violence against women in all forms.

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