Shadow Barefoot Volunteers Reflection Program


Shadow Barefoot Volunteers Reflection Program

One of the major activities which Tewa has been involved in after the massive earthquake was “Shadow Barefoot Volunteers” of the Hamro Tewa Gaun Gharma Program. A group of 22 people including the grantees and volunteers women were trained and mobilized in six earth quake affected districts to support the survivor women and their children/families with necessary support.

The main objective HTG was to shadow women’s work, help them come out of trauma and bring their life and community into normality.

The one-day reflection workshop was conducted on 23rd Aug, 2015 for the volunteers, after their stay in different districts for 1 ½ months. The workshop was facilitated by Program Manager, Urmila Shrestha. The program focused on the learning, experience sharing, expectation and challenges they faced during their stay. 

The program is the foundation for future barefoot volunteers to carry on; it will also help as a research in upcoming days with amendments, if necessary. The main objective of the program was to enhance the learning from one another; share difficulties and future possibilities; share achievements of the work in the communities and acknowledge the happiness that was transferred from one individual to the community as a whole.

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