One Billion Rising 2025

One Billion Rising 2025

  • Start: Feb 14th, 2025
  • End: Feb 14th, 2025
  • Time:
To express solidarity with victims survivors  of violence, people from all walks of life came together on February 14 to celebrate the One Billion Rising (OBR), an initiative by V-Day to end violence against women —transgender and gender-nonconforming — women and the nature. OBR is a global movement calling for an end to violence against women that started ten years ago. The movement got its name from a UN statistic that one in three women, or approximately one billion, will be raped or beaten in her lifetime.
The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) of Nepal celebrated this year’s OBR in the lead of Sangat Nepal keeping the focus on “Rise for bodies of all women, girls, and the earth”. The event was organized at Tewa, Dhapakhel with the participation of 1400 people both physically and virtually with a limited number of people  due to COVID-19 restrictions. Dances, poetry, drama, art exhibition, and panel discussions were planned in the event as part of the campaign’s day of action, timed to coincide with Valentine’s Day and aiming to bring an end to violence against women. The program started with a welcome note and a brief introduction about the OBR by the Founder of Tewa, Rita Thapa. Then the program was followed by further performances. The beautiful dance performances from CARE Nepal, NMBS, WOREC, BDS, and Mitini Nepal showcased their unique presentation of women empowerment, self-care, and LGBTQ. The play by Nepal Mahila Biswasi Sangh-YWCA portrayed the myths related to menstrual hygiene which was then followed by an art exhibition organized by NMES. The program ended with the Panel discussions led by IGFF with the moderation of  Dr. Susan Rijal and with the participation of  Writer and Women activist Rita Sah, President of Blue Diamond Society, Pinky Gurung, Intersectional Feminist of Hami DajuVai Organization, Sanjog Thakuri, Steering Committee members of IGFF, and the founding member of Sankalpa, Stella Tamang, and the Senior Rehabilitation Therapist, Devu Parajuli.   The MC for the event was Kaustuv Pokharel from Hami DajuVai.
This year’s OBR raised the vibration in remembrance of Kamla Bhasin – “Our Wonderful Whistling Woman”. The program overall was delightful and informative as well. CSOs of Nepal come up with diverse creative visions to present and honor this day every year. Sangat Nepal taking the lead for this program has done a wonderful job. This day brings together all the organizations and people combating for the cause and each year the voice gets more powerful.

Event location