Rita Thapa is widely recognized for her groundbreaking work in founding Tewa. She has over thirty years experience as a feminist educator and community activist, initiating and supporting institutions for women`s empowerment and for peace. Rita also founded and led (2001-2009) Nagarik Aawaz, an initiative for conflict transformation and peace-building in Nepal. In recognition of this exceptional “innovative contribution to the public good”, Rita has received the rare honor of being named an Ashoka Fellow. She is known and appreciated around the world as an inspiring teacher and a resource person on feminist leadership, development and peace & conflict.

She has extensive experience in building links among community, non-governmental, governmental, and academic institutions. She served as a past Board Member and Chair of the Global Fund for Women and the Urgent Action Fund, as well as on the Board of the Global Fund for Community Foundation (GFCF) and the South Asian Women’s Fund (SWAF). In 2005, she was included in the 1000 Women for Peace nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. Rita is currently a Sangat South Asia Core Group member.

Please click here to read the Founder’s full story on the founding years of Tewa.

Adapted from the bio for the University of Toronto, OISE, Dame Nita Barrow Distinguished Visitor (2002-2003).