Tewa Social Audit


Tewa Social Audit

Tewa conducted its first Social Audit at its premises in Dhapakhel, Lalitpur on 21stDecember, 2016.

Mr. Hari Prasad Dhahal, LDO of Lalitpur was the Chief Guest of the program. Some of the other invitees included Bishnu Gopal Shrestha, Advisor of Dhapakhel Community; Bisheshwar Koirala, Senior Social Mobiliser of Lalitpur; Sarada Bijukchhe, Women and Children Development Officer; Dipak K.C., Senior Social Mobiliser of Kathmandu; Representative from Social Welfare Council; Representative from Metropolitan Police; Rina Rai, Grantee Partner from Maheela Utthan Thatha Sip Bikash Kendra, Makwanpur; Sunita Tamang, Grantee Partner from Nepal Apanga Sang, Kavre; local representatives; volunteers; grantees;  Board ,members and staff. In addition, Krishna Lal Shrestha from Lalitpur sub-metropolitan city and Rita Devi Shrestha form Metropolitan Police were also present in the program. The program was facilitated by Anuja Shrestha, Grant  Making Manager,Tewa.

The program started with welcome remarks from Sadhana Shrestha,Executive Director of Tewa. She mentioned about the community philanthropy Tewa has been practicing since 21 years where Tewa funds the most marginalized  women to  empower them. She further said that the grants provided by Tewa is helping to build women’s leadership in community and the nation.She also highlighted the role that Tewa is playing in supporting women of Nepal through local fundraising, building volunteerism habits and contributing in community development. She further mentioned about the contribution volunteers are making where till date Tewa has trained 675 volunteers. Thereafter, she highlighted on the investment made by Tewa in land and building for self-sustainability of the organization and mentioned that the amount raised from the investment has helped the organization to bear the administrative cost. She expressed that Tewa has been initiating various capacity building program for its volunteers, grantee and staff.She added that right from the beginning Tewa has always practiced accountability, efficiency, inclusiveness, equity and Tewa is pleased to conduct the Social Audit.

Chief Guest of the program Mr. HariParsad Dahal, LDO of Lalitpur formally inaugurated the program by lighting the candle.

She then concluded her remarks by stating that Tewa hopes that equal support from all the stakeholders will continue in coming days as well.

The program then followed with a presentation by Urmila Shrestha, Deputy Director of Tewa where she highlighted the history of Tewa and shared the activities conducted during 2015-2016 including Earthquake and Rebuilding Recovery work–Hamro Tewa Gaoun Gharma, support to Bhaktapur Recovery Program and the launch of Research Book on ” A Gendered Look into Recovery & Rebuilding: An Applied Research”.

Thereafter, Rama Laxmi Shrestha Treasurer of Tewa presented the financial update.

Jitendra Raj Bhandari, Senior Editor mentioned that Tewa has followed all the rules, regulations and implemented the policies and criteria set by Government of Nepal in a timely manner. He also expressed his best wishes and said that Tewa is one of the best organizations in the sector and felt proud to be associated with Tewa.

On behalf of grantee organizations, Rina Rai, Grantee Partner shared her thoughts.

She thankedTewa and its Founder Rita Thapa for taking the lead and establishing an organization like Tewa to help marginalized women like her and also for the support to the women in rural parts of Nepal. Since 2060, Tewahas not only helped her personally but also helped to build a network with 2700 women. In 2060, grant of NRs 34600 was provided – which was huge at that time as it helped them to continue the organization–Maheela Utthan Thatha Sip Bikash Kendra which has now branches in 7 districts and works with boty and chepang community- herself also belonging to an indigenous community. She believes that it was only possible because of the aspiration provided by the leaders of Tewa and consistency of the work. She further mentioned that women are now involved in many leadership positions including ward coordinator, forest department etc. She added that these were the women who were unable to read and write but after attending the program which she initiated, they are now able to do so. She is currently working in Ward No 9, Makwanpur where 4 groups in cooperative and 3 in agricultureare registered. After the support from Tewa, she initiated many projects for economic betterment and empowerment of women in her community.

She shared her belief in economic empowerment of women which would help to minimize violence against women. Her upcoming project is on anti trafficking and she expressed her sincere gratitude for the capacity building of grantee partners where recently she got an opportunity to visit Sri Lanka.

She then concluded by mentioning that after the success she has gained in Makwanpur, she has now opened a branch in the capital where she has included women who are marginalized and expressedher respect to all.

Thereafter,the program continued with a speech by Bishnu Gopal Shrestha, Dhapakhel Development Community President and SeniorSocial Worker. He thanked Rina Rai for the beautiful presentation and said that the social audit organized today gives a clear picture of the mission and vision Tewa is playing towards building transparency, accountability, commitment, dedication, non-hierarchy model which is setting an example in itself, and humbleness shown byTewa family is inspirational and has touched the hearts of Dhapakel community people, and support any initiatives towards national development. The contribution that Tewa is making towards women development is very crucial.He further illustrated his point by giving a metaphor – when a women is educated and empowered, then the whole family, community and the entire nation is empowered.He further expressed thankfulness towards Tewa’s Executive Director and staff for providing him an opportunity to speak in such a platform and also expressed pride  to have organizations like Tewa in Dhapakhel which has made each individual of the area  proud of. Additionally, he expressed his beliefthat the noble work would continue with the feeling of patriotism in each program Tewa initiates in the days to come. He then requested all the participants of the program to give a standing ovation for all the contribution that the organization, Founders, Founding Board Members, members and staff are making towards nation building.

Mr. Hari Prasad Dhahal, LDO Lalitpur and the Chief Guest of the program said that Tewa has come a long way facing different hurdles, and hoped that it continues to work under the rules and policies set by the Government. He further said that the presentation and speech by Rina Rai has given a clear picture about  the organization’s role towards uplifting women across Nepal. There is no doubt that the development of the nation cannot be achieved only with the efforts from the Government and the role of non-government, community sector, groups and their contribution are equally valuable. That’s why the Government has also valued the role of citizen’svoice, inculcated programs targeting the citizens including women who make up half the population. Just like its name, Tewa which means support, he said that it has supported women in real sense and wished well for the organization. He concluded by hoping that the organization would continue the social audit with discussion and suggestions from the participants.

Thereafter, the Facilitator invited SunitaTamang from Nepal Apang Sangh (grantee partner from Kavre) to share her experience.

Sunita Tamang shared her experience by stating that Nepal Apang Sangh was established in 2005 BC for the rights of people with differently-abled individuals. She then expressed her gratitude for the easy procedures and understanding shown by the staff members to receive the grant which was incredible for the organization situated in rural parts. With the grant of NRs 10,000.00 they were able to conduct two different activities under gender discrimination where they learned that violence on differently abled as compared to other people is different and was hard to express.Likewise, the grant distributed for goat raising has helped single women and marginalized women giving them opportunity to strengthen economic empowerment of women.Also the grantee capacity building training provided by the organization has helped to understand and negotiate with concerned stakeholders further that  as a citizen of the country if their vote are counted as authentic then their participation needs to be equally rational and inclusive.

Nirmala Gurung, representing  Tewa’s  volunteer and donor expressed that with the help of local donors and consistent efforts of volunteers,  the achievement and impact which Tewa is making gives her  full satisfaction.She said that since 2013 she has been engaged as a volunteer of Tewa and attained Volunteer training.Although being an ex-worker of SHAPLANEER many  people recognize her  as a volunteer of Tewa.Currently, she is collecting newspapers, materials, clothes and other  unwanted goods in her community, so it can be recycled and the funds raised can be given to Tewa, and  many times her commitment towards volunteers is appreciated in her neighborhood.

Thereafter, Deepak KC from DDC from Kathmandu was invited for his speech where he expressed that the vision of Tewa on local fundraising is exceptional and it is a notable inspirational act. The role Tewa is playing towards livelihood development and empowerment of women is appreciable. Though  organizations are obliged to conduct social audit, many of them don’t follow it whereas Tewa is conducting it which shows its commitment and sincerity towards the work activity.The success story shared by Rina and Sunita is exemplary. The software initiative that Tewa is playing in recovery and rebuilding work is very much valuable as without the software work, the suitability of hardware work is impossible to achieve. Finally, he ended his speech by thanking Tewa for the opportunity and welcoming him on the platform,and he wished the very best to recognize the work of Tewa not only in the national arena but also at the international platform.

The program then moved on with a thank you note by NirmalaKC , Chairperson of Tewa who said that we are delighted to get appreciation from all the speakers which is usually rare during such gatherings and forum. The vision taken 21 years ago to work towards the welfare of community and women has gone by quickly which makes it feel like a very short period. She believes that this  is because of the success and impact of our work.The learning that has been passed down from the  past Presidents with good and noble characteristics towards the organization is inspirational. The most unique and incredible thing  that the organization has is trust, love and compassion which enables us to work with consistency. She believed that whatever good things are around us are the because of the good practices, for which we are recognized and appreciated both nationally and internationally. Interdependency is taught by Tewa.

She further said that we are non-profitable, non-political and transparent with the feeling of social service, responsiveness, volunteerisms which are the foundations of Tewa and it has been running since its establishment. Tewa is paving the path of equity, equality and justice. Good governance, democratic, right to information, inclusiveness, accountability  is what Tewa is practicing .

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