Tree Plantation


Tree Plantation

Practicing Community Philanthropy gives an opportunity to be acquainted with diverse and dynamic range of people and communicating with them. Tree plantation, one of our local fundraising program, helps us build interpersonal relationship with community people. The program is popular with our volunteers, community people and well-wishers.

This year, we have planted 750 saplings at Dhapakhel Ward No. 24 on 5th August, 2017. The program was supported by Laxmi Bank, Gems School, Daya Foundation, Ribs School and individual donors.

As it is well said in a Chinese proverb “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is NOW”. We included corporate donors, children from the community and Ribs School during the program. The objective behind including all aged people was to coach corporate sectors and young children the value of going green and serving our ecosystem to be healthier for everyone.

We also invited Mr. Dinesh Karki and Mr. Bhuyukaji Maharjan, Presidents of Ward 23 & 24 respectively to encourage and educate community towards the growing issue of climate change and global warming. Their presence and assurance to support Tewa’s mission of an improved environment inspired many youths and community people.

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