Volunteer Award Day


Volunteer Award Day

The volunteers award program is organized each year to honor our volunteers for their contribution to Tewa’s annual activities. They are the pillars of our organization who not only supports us on our ongoing programs but are our messenger who spread the message of community philanthropy, women empowerment, feminist perspectives, and gender equality in local community. On the occasion of International volunteers day, the award program was conducted on 5th December, 2017 at Daballi.

The program started with the welcome speech by Dr. Nirmala K.C. Tewa’s President  where she mentioned that the volunteers are the gems of community and encouraged their valuable engagement in social structure of the society to bring a positive change.The chief guest of the program was Lily Thapa, founder of Women for Human Rights single women groups (WHR) and President of Sankalpa. Similar we had another special guest Saru Aryal Pradhan who is the annual donor of Tewa.

Lily thapa delivered a speech highlighting how Tewa’s  Founder Rita Thapa has encouraged   her to begin a carrier in the field of social work in her  initial start of her carrier. For her Rita Thapa is not only an inspiration but as a teacher who showed her the footstep to follow. She illustrated how Tewa has been producing leaders through the volunteer program each year from the local communities. Similarly Saru Aryal Pradhan thanked Tewa for supporting women groups, she always believed in working together to achieve a goal that can bring changes at the societal level. She highlighted that being a donor of Tewa it gives her immense pleasure and satisfaction for supporting the women’s group of Nepal and committed her confirmation to support Tewa till she lives in the world.

The day awarded volunteers who contributed in supporting the volunteer program and Tewa’s activities on regular basies on different award categories. The first was the Appreciation certificates to 7 volunteers on their significant contribution to programs of Tewa. Appreciations certificated were honored to Kuntala Devi Rai, Sabina Sinkemana, Manita Kayashta, Sachina Maharjan, Kamala Paheli, Shanti Upadhaya, Nisha Risal. Second award was the Birendra Shrestha Award that was honored to Susha Devkota Joshi for outstanding fundraising activity. Third was the Dr.Major Amir Thapa award was honored to volunteer Sharmila Joshi for her efforts in fundraising .

Fourth award is Adhay Prasad Pradhan Award that was award to Sagun Shrestha for contribution in various activities and programs though out the years. Fifth award is the Bhaimaya Gurung Award awarded to Yasodha Khadka for strong leadership role in the community and actively engaged in Tewa’s programs which are related to environment conservation.

Last was the Tewa Outstanding Award that was awarded to Manila Shrestha for continues engagement in various activities throughout the year.

Award winners volunteers Susha Joshi and Yasodha Khadka shared their thoughts how the volunteer program has brought changed in themselves. Yasodha shared the program brought her out of the household chores and learned many things on women’s status that contributed her to participated in the recent  Local election as women member. Though she lost in election she is not disappointed as she has gained self confidence and now can raise her voice against any kind of discrimination and injustices.

The day also honored the Founders fund grant award. The award is established in 2012 and is the 7THaward. Different issues had been supported in the past through this grant section some of them are issues of LGBT rights, minorities’ rights of people working in the entertainment sector, issues of violence against women and survivors of conflict affected people and etc.

Last year it was awarded to Bhore from Dhanuns districts for the higher education of the Mushar community children. The organization is working actively on issues of anti child marriage campaign anti dowry campaign. Last year Tewa sponsored 61 children of Mushar community for continuing of grade 11 studies. This year it is again awarding to Bhore with the grant amount of NRs 300,000.00 for the continuing of their 12 grade education and also for running campaign on anti child marriage and anti dowry campaign. Rina shah representing from Bhore was handed with the award by the chief guest of the program Lily Thapa.

The program continued with the closure speech from Urmila Shrestha where informed about the women participation in local election where 22 grantee partners participated in the local election. Also talked about community philanthropy which is the seed that Tewa is planting in the community and developing leaders for self sustainability. After her speech the program ended by a dance performance from volunteer Laxmi Bhadra.

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